
Prefab Sprout Two Wheels Good
prefab sprout two wheels good

For Prefab's Paddy McAloon, who had no cheekbones or frilly shirts to speak of, it was a pretty torrid time trying to convince the masses that Jimmy Webb had more musical worth than Madonna, and that maybe Burt Bacarach could put a tune together better than Adam Ant. At a time when music was in a post-New Wave decline, with only the sadder than sad New Romantics filling the vacuum, the most telling sign of the paucity of innovation was snooker player Jimmy White on the cover of NME. If ever there was a case of right band, wrong time it was Prefab Sprout in the 1980s. Although that friendship proved to be sort of temporal. I have many stories, but this one is special because Two Wheels Good is the soundtrack to such an important stage in my life. Prefab Sprout Moving The River I think most true music lovers have stories like this, of a time and place that are bound up in one particular album - I know they do.

The first album, Swoon, (which stood for Songs Written Out Of Necessity) broke the Top 30 and showed McAloon to be in the classic songwriter mode, something of an Elvis Costello or stylised Bob Dylan in his own way. Their first release, Lions In My Garden, of which they pressed up only 1,000 copies, was rejected by every major label in the land but shifted enough copies Newcastle way to bring them to the attention of the successful indie label Kitchenware. (Note to people who still describe London Calling as the album of the 1980s: it was actually released in December 1979.) McAloon founded the band while still a student at Newcastle University with his brother Martin and Wendy Smith and Mick Salmon.

Steve McQueen, the credit has to go with Thomas. As McAloon says, 'Anybody that likes. Paddys meeting him was meeting his lighthouse. Comparisons to Roddy Frame of Aztec Camera were always wide of the mark - as were the Edwyn Collins ones, come to think of it.try watch in FULLSCREEN 480p - Lights Off - Bonny written by Paddy McAloon - Album : Steve McQueen (U.K.) or Two Wheels Good (U.S.A.) - 1985 Prefab Sprout .Prefab Sprouts new offering was greatly influenced by Dolbys approach to production.

prefab sprout two wheels goodprefab sprout two wheels goodprefab sprout two wheels good